Thursday, June 08, 2006

i wish i were a buddhist nun...but wait does that mean?

i wish i were a buddhist nun, but wait, does that mean i can't drink?

job hunting sux. in the past week i've sent out 12 resumes & 13 cover letters. you'd think a high number would produce a high response. you.would.think. but no, i've gotten two responses: one from a scam artist - if you can't tell me what your company's name is, or the type of "orders" i'd be processing then i'm not sure i'm ready to be on an episode of america's most wanted for you. next thing ya know i'll be driving an armored truck filled with stolen tv's. "i'm sorry officer, i didn't know those were in there i was just told to process the order." i want to be on television, but that's a little excessive. right? well....maybe... no, you're right; it's wrong.

the second response was from a guy who said i'd be fielding incoming calls for his business from my home. there would be no cold calling, and a lot of the interaction would done through email. um.... how fishy is it? as fishy as pike place market during high season on a 90 degree day (yes we have 90 degree days in seattle)! budumpbum. oh, and not to mention that particular job was commission only. huh? if you could see me right now i'd have a cocked head and a wrinkled brow.

seriously though, all kidding aside, how on earth is a person suppose to get a job these days? my friend RH, showed me his resume so then of course i had to show him mine! and being the oh so fantastic friend that he is, "made-over" my resume. in 2 hours flat i was managing all sorts of departments and i had all these fancy titles. but can ya sell that? *sigh* *tail between my legs* no, i don't think ya can.

i'm in the mortgage biz (yeah, it's not that glamourous trust me). i work for a lender which means we supply you with the money. i've been here for 3.5 years and i'm SOOOO ready to leave it all behind. i want to start doing something a bit more – who am i kidding, at this point i'd settle for a bit less. even with the latter option i can't get hired for nuthin'. what's with that? i'm successful, i'm knowledgeable, i'm experienced, but i can't even get hired to answer a damn phone. it's not about the money. i'm willin' to drop a few g's if you're willin' to give me a chance, but shit i can't even get a chance. i just want to pack it all up and become a buddhist nun at this point. couldn't you just see it? Ohmmmm.... Ohhhmmmmmm.... shave my head and adorn a mustard colored robe? perched a top a mountain eating a grain of rice a day? well, maybe not that part. but the whole barefoot walking meditation has me pretty enticed.

seriously, do i need to have a PHD in pacbell phone systems to answer your phone? do i need to know the different between oak, and cherry wood so that i can be the front desk operator? COME ON PEOPLE – hire my ass, i promise it'll be worth your while. *gulp* that sounded wrong...

maybe i'll just pretend to be a manager and see where that gets me.

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